Mentoring Program Materials

This program is taught by Tina Rasmussen and includes the following:

  • 1
    Mentoring Program Overview --Read right away
    • Mentoring Program Overview
  • 2
    General Materials
    • Photo of Tina Rasmussen
    • Photo of Pa Auk Sayadaw and Tina Rasmussen
    • Photo of Tsoknyi Rinpoche and Tina Rasmussen
    • Meditation Posture Instructions Audio, 10 minutes
    • Photos of Pa Auk Sayadaw and Tsoknyi and Mingyur Rinpoches
  • 3
    Month 1--General Program Overview
    • Month 1 General Program Overview--Reading and Reflections
    • What the Buddha Taught Chapter, by Walpole Rahula
    • Tina Rasmussen Non-duality Magazine Article
    • Month 1 Audio--Program Overview
    • Month 1 Video--Program Overview
    • Optional Video--Advice from a Mentoring Program Graduate on How to Make the Most of this Program
  • 4
    Month 2--Enneagram and Personality; Working With Ourself Skillfully
    • Month 2 Enneagram and Personality; Working With Ourself Skillfully--Readings and Reflections
    • Enneatype Chart, by Riso & Hudson
    • Month 2 Audio--Enneagram and Personality; Working With Ourself Skillfully
    • Month 2 Video--Enneagram and Personality; Working With Ourself Skillfully
  • 5
    Month 3--Inquiry, the Judge/SuperEgo, and Working a Thread
    • Month 3--Readings and Reflections
    • Why Inquire?, by A.H. Almaas
    • The Method of Inquiry, by John Davis
    • Using Inquiry to Unpack the Buddhist Teachings, by Lama Palden Drolma
    • Work on the SuperEgo, by A.H. Almaas
    • Working with the Inner Critic, by Byron Brown
    • Month 3 Audio--Inquiry, the Judge/SuperEgo, and Working a Thread
    • Month 3 Video--Inquiry, the Judge/SuperEgo, and Working a Thread
  • 6
    Month 4--Sila and Wholesome Living
    • Month 4 Sila and Wholesome Living--Readings and Reflections
    • Precepts Chant Sheet
    • Precepts Translation
    • Month 4 Audio--Sila and Wholesome Living
    • Month 4 Video--Sila and Wholesome Living
  • 7
    Month 5--Awakening and the 4 Centers and Instinctual Drives
    • Month 5 Awakening--Readings and Reflections
    • Luminous Mind Sangha Practice Categories Chart
    • Month 5 Audio--Awakening
    • Month 5 Video--Awakening
    • Luminous Mind Sangha Practice Categories PowerPoint
  • 8
    Month 6--Heart-Based Practices: The Bramaviharas & Bodhicitta / Purification of the Heart
    • Month 6 The Bramaviharas & Bodhicitta--Readings and Reflections
    • Bramaviharas Chart by Tina Rasmussen
    • The Practice of Forgiveness, by Jack Kornfield
    • What is a Bodhisattva, by Guy Armstrong
    • Month 6 Audio--Heart-Based Practices: The Bramaviharas & Bodhicitta
    • Month 6 Video--Heart-Based Practices: The Bramaviharas & Bodhicitta
  • 9
    Month 7 Materials--Samatha: Focused Attention / Purification of Mind
    • Month 7 Samatha--Readings and Reflections
    • Samatha Meditation Instructions Audio, 13 minutes by Tina Rasmussen
    • Month 7 Audio--Focused Attention: Purification of Mind
    • Month 7 Video--Focused Attention: Samatha
    • Month 7 Audio--Samatha and Purification of Mind Overview
    • Month 7 Audio--Learnings About the Samatha Practice
  • 10
    Month 8--Open Monitoring: Vipassana / Purification of View
    • Month 8 Vipassana--Readings and Reflections
    • A Honed and Heavy Axe: Samatha and Vipassana in Harmony, by Ajahn Chandako
    • Month 8 Audio--Open Monitoring: Vipassana
    • Month 8 Video--Open Monitoring: Vipassana
  • 11
    Month 9--Self-Transcending: Non-duality and Dzogchen/ Purification of Identity
    • Month 9--Self-Transcending: Non-duality and Dzogchen Readings and Reflections
    • Dzogchen Meditation Instructions, by Tina Rasmussen
    • Genuine Happiness Rigpa Chapter, by B. Alan Wallace
    • The Indispensible Qualities of Awakening, by Adyashanti
    • True Meditation, by Adyashanti
    • Month 9 Audio--Self-Transcending: Non-duality and Dzogchen
    • Month 9 Video--Self-Transcending: Non-duality and Dzogchen
  • 12
    Month 10--Embodiment and Body-based Practices
    • Month 10 Embodiment and Body-based Practices--Readings and Reflections
    • Month 10 Audio--Embodiment and Body-based Practices
    • Month 10 Video--Embodiment and Body-based Practices
  • 13
    Month 11--Worldly Practice and Socially Engaged Buddhism
    • Month 11--Worldly Practice and Socially Engaged Buddhism Readings and Reflections
    • Facing my White Privilege, by Tara Brach
    • Healing the Broken Body of Sangha, by Ruth King
    • Month 11 Audio--Worldly Practice and Socially Engaged Buddhism
    • Praises for the World song by Jennifer Berezan
    • Month 11 Video--Worldly Practice and Socially Engaged Buddhism
  • 14
    Month 12--Integration, and Your Vision and Intention
    • Month 12--Integration, and Your Vision and Intention Reflections
    • Month 12 Audio--Integration, and Your Vision and Intention
    • Month 12 Video--Integration, and Your Vision and Intention

This program is a year long, and described below.

Please note the following:

All sessions are by Zoom. If there are other people currently in the program, you may also have the option to work with a "dharma buddy" for the year. Once you have paid for the program and signed on to the site, you can download the introduction which explains the details.

  • $2,295.00

    $2,295.00Individual Mentoring Program, Year-Long

    Includes: 12 monthly 55-minute 1:1 Zoom/phone mentoring sessions with Tina Rasmussen; 12 monthly reading lists and homework assignments; 24 PDF downloads; 12 monthly dharma talks; 20+ readings hotlinks
    Buy Now

What prior Mentoring Program participants say

“I found the Retreat-in-a-Box extremely useful. It was like having sign posts along the way. I looked forward each night to hearing the talk. It was very encouraging, reassuring and inspiring... I would definitely use it again in the future. ”

“I've deepened my practice more than ever, due to the clarity of the teaching.”

“I have seen more changes in myself from two years of concentration practice than in the previous 20 years of various meditation practices.”

“My faith in Buddhism has been deepened to a degree previously unimaginable, but is tempered by a profound sobriety of mind and wisdom. Every word of the dharma talks penetrated the core of my being and accellerated my practice.”

“Tina and Stephen, your dedication to the dharma is so inspiring to me. You've given me the courage to embrace my true path in life. Your efforts and example have given me a clarity that is truly miraculous. Thank you for all your hard work.”

“If I was to describe this to a friend, I would call it 'Jedi mind training!'”

“It will rock your world!”

“I feel more confident in my approach to the Anapanasati / samatha practice, and how to navigate the varied terrain as well.”“I feel more confident in my approach to the Anapanasati / samatha practice, and how to navigate the varied terrain as well.”

Experience Retreat in a Box Today!

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